Friday, April 13, 2012

Rooms with a View

Daffodils are blooming and so are the trees. Our Bradford Pear is flowering along with our wheeping cherry. I love seeing the cherry tree outside the living room window and the Bradford Pear through our sliding glass door (in the dining room).

Just today three trees got delivered, an early birthday present from my husband and daughter, I"m a very lucky girl. One of them will add a view to a room! I finally have a Butterfly Magnolia, I've been dreaming about this tree for awhile. It was planted right outside the other living room window, where it will add another beautiful Spring view. I WILL, have to wait till next Spring as it's bloom time has passed. Do you have a room with a view?
Butterfly Magnolia Birthday Present # 1...with Garden Fairy in background :)
Japanese Maple Sango Kaku Birthday Present # 2

Harry Lauder Walking Stick, Birthday Present # 3

This is what's blooming right now at The Garden Fairy - enjoy!

Little Gem with Scilla

Hyacinth Isabelle - Love the green color mixed with the purple and it smells wonderful.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Boston Flower Show...Better Late than Never!

Okay so I procrastinated in downloading my pictures. It hasn't quite been a month since the flower show, but here are some of the exhibits that caught my eye. I did buy more peonies from Peony Envy who was at the show. I also bought a beautiful iron trellis made by a local artist, for my clematis. Can't wait to see it in the garden! Enjoy highlights below from the show.


Love this!

These are located down the bottom in the picture above - these will make it into my garden this year. What a beauty.

For my husband